The Continuing Education Web-Based Program for Commissioner is a learning program organized by the Indonesia Securities Company Association (APEI) to facilitate the requirement of the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan/OJK) Circular Letter number 20 / SEOJK.04/2017.  

Under this rule,  members of the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners of Securities Companies Conducting Business Activities as Securities Underwriter and / or Broker Dealer is required to attend Continuing Education (CE) Program with minimum duration of 3 hours for every 2 years.  The CE Program is aimed to improve the knowledge and expertise of the Board’s member continuously especially on the capital market regulatory market in Indonesia. The CE Program can be conducted in face to face or non-face to face method. In facilitating the member of the Board of Commissioner who is domiciled outside Republic of Indonesia to take the CE Program, APEI has prepared this web-based CE Program.   

For further information, please reach out to APEI at
P: +62 21 5152894, 5152895, 5152902 
F: +62 21 5150464 